Whole Body Wellness

As August is Wellness Month, we thought we would highlight some important wellness tips, especially during this uncertain time of Covid-19. For much of 2020, our routines and lives have been completely disrupted. But there are some habits we can adopt in this time of restricted movement and travel to help with not only our physical but our mental wellbeing.
New Routines
Even though you might not be getting up in the morning and heading into the office, it’s important to maintain a regular morning routine, as well as a daily schedule. Spending weeks in your pajamas isn’t the best idea, although it may have been enjoyable for few days at the beginning of quarantine. Get up, get some exercise, meditate, journal, pray, shower, get dressed and begin your day!
Another important tip is to get outside for at least 30 minutes each day. Feeling the sun and the breeze on your face can do wonders for your mental outlook and getting some fresh air doesn’t hurt either. It’s also a good idea to get yourself moving for at least 30 minutes each day. Find an activity you look forward to doing that can get you outside and moving. It could be walking, jogging, riding a bike, hiking, or just playing with your kids. Whatever the activity, just make sure you do something that gets you off the couch for at least a half hour each day.
It’s also important to connect with other people on a regular basis. Although we might not be able to meet in person, we can still reach out by phone and online to see each other and make sure our friends and loved ones are healthy and well. And, whether pandemic or not, it’s always a good idea to eat well and stay hydrated.
Self-Care Toolbox
This might look different for each member of your household but it can be key to maintaining your sanity during this time. Maybe it’s a specific time of day where you retreat to a quiet spot in your house with some tea and your favorite book or you light some candles, play your favorite music and enjoy a hot bath. Whatever it looks like for you, taking care of yourself is more important than ever.
And since most of us are still homebound, now might be the perfect time to try your Celluma red light therapy device on your areas of acne, wrinkles, or pain. You can use it during your quiet time or when binge watching Netflix. Getting a handle on inflammation and pain is a great use of this unexpected time at home. Improving our physical health while we have the time to focus on it is a wonderful gift. Develop those positive habits of eating right and getting enough sleep and you will notice physical and mental health changes.
Helping Others
Perhaps the most beneficial thing we can do for ourselves is to help someone else who is in need during this time. That help can take many different forms; maybe it’s helping a friend or neighbor with food or a gift card after they have lost their job. Maybe it’s checking in with an elderly neighbor who lives alone. Maybe it’s taking a meal to a mom who is struggling to work and homeschool the kids.
Putting your focus on helping others and remembering what you do have rather than what you don’t, can certainly alter your outlook and make this time at home much more bearable. Take care of yourself and you can take care of others in need. Practicing gratitude can go a long way in keeping your mental and your physical health in check, not only during Covid-19 but any time.