Expand Your Educational Opportunities

With so much unexpected down time on our hands, one way to stay connected and educated is to take advantage of all the virtual education available. Celluma has some excellent webinars and other virtual learning opportunities coming up. Simply register for FREE and enjoy these excellent educational options.
Our February 24th Dermascope webinar, The ABCs of LED: Incorporating Light Therapy into Your Practice, is now available on-demand. Just register here https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-VUhMyjXQneW3qSFJVQF0w?fm=wc and receive the link to watch it at your convenience.
And for our acupuncture practitioners, we’ve got a great webinar coming up on April 30th at noon PST. The Synergistic Effects of Systemic Acupuncture and Light Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cosmetic Facial Aging will be presented by CEO Patrick Johnson and Shellie Goldstein LAc.
Topics to be covered include:
- The science behind effective low-level light therapy.
- How light therapy upregulates cellular response for enhanced results.
- How cosmetic facial acupuncture utilizes the principles of Chinese medicine (TCM) to address signs of aging and how changes are not just limited to the face.
- How to pair acupuncture with light therapy for enhanced patient outcomes for anti-aging, skin problems, pain and general health.
- Description of an acupuncture facial with clinical and practical tips for integrating and pricing acupuncture + light therapy treatments into your new or existing practice.
Register here: www.acupuncturetoday.com/webcasts/20200430/liveclient.html